Dr. Aurélien RACCAH
Email : aurelien.raccah@eleavocat.eu
Lawyer in Paris - France
Specialised in french law and european and international law
Doctor in Law at the European Law Institute (ELI)
University lecturer and assesor at Catolic University in Lille
Languages : French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Romanian
Aurélien Raccah is member of the Paris Bar, and lecturer, assessor in charge of international development, and co-director of the International and European Law School (IELS) at the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Lille. He runs a European degree and a master's degree in EU law & litigation (MIEL).
He holds a PhD in Comparative Public Law from the European University Institute in Florence, where he wrote a thesis on the direct application of European Union law by decentralised entities. Maître Raccah studied law in France (Cergy-Pontoise, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Germany (Humboldt Universität), United Kingdom (University of Cambridge) and Italy (European University Institute).
As a researcher, he specialises in European Union law and published numerous articles on EU law, administrative law, environmental law and social law.
- Lisbon Treaty : new powers for the European Union?, L’Harmattan, 2012, 240 p. ;
- Legal Risks in EU Law, Springer International, 2016, 256 p;
- Radioactive Waste Management in International and European Legal Perspective, 2016.
In Florence, he worked for the projet Consensus for the European Commission (FP7). His current research focuses on issues relating to Brexit and legal proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union, following the example of the context in Poland.
Brexit : Interview with Maître Aurélien RACCAH
Aurélien Raccah is also a professor at the Catholic University of Lille, where he teaches European Union law (EU integration, institutional law, European policy, competition law and procedural business law). He also teaches a course in EU business law at the EDHEC business school and a course in European Union law at Sciences-Po Lille. He previously taught administrative law at the Sorbonne.
Aurélien Raccah practised in August & Debouzy law firm. He has also worked for the Council of State, the Committee of the Regions of the EU, as well as in an insurance company for local authorities (SMACL) and as legal editor for the newspaper Localtis.